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Affiliate referrals made easy

We make it simple to start earning referral income


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Copy our website links or banners to any social media websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Wechat, Whatsapp, forums or your own blog.

Get Paid

Earn a commission up to 60%, on all orders a customer makes within 30 days from clicking on your ad.

Lifetime Commissions

The Lifetime Commissions system links a customer to you, allowing you to receive a commission on all future purchases by the customer.

Lifetime commission means that once a customer you refer makes a subscription to the service, you’ll receive money every month his/her subscription is extended as long as they don’t cancel their account. It means your passive income grows every month as you get new referrals. If you refer even 10 new client every month, after 12 months you will be collecting commission from 120 clients.

Since the customer and you are linked, you will still be awarded a commission even if the customer clears their browser cookies or uses a different computer.

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